Wednesday Feb 12, 2025


There are times when problems at the workplace take a turn for the worst. It could be a wrongful termination or a harassment case or a terrible work environment. There are many possible situations which can make it difficult to work in the office. When that happens, you must reach out to Pereira Walter Lawyers LLP, employment lawyer in Mississauga. Their experienced and skilled lawyers will discuss your situation. Based on that, they will guide you about the rights and legal options available. Before heading to an employment lawyer, it is always best to have a clear idea about the different cases they can help you with.

Wrongful Dismissal

When you have been terminated from your job, it can turn your world upside down. It is difficult to find a job. You also need to take care of your finances and there are times when finances aren’t in your favour either. On termination, if the employer hasn’t provided you with notice or paid an adequate severance, it might be a wrongful dismissal claim. A case is said to be of wrongful dismissal when the employer doesn’t adequately compensate the employee. Once you have been terminated, the employer might ask you to sign the rights away. You mustn’t sign any document without consulting a lawyer.

Constructive Dismissal

Sometimes the employer pushes the employee out of the job by making changes in the employment relationship. This is often done to make the work unbearable. By doing that, the employer is trying to bring the employee to the brink of resigning. When this happens, it could be a case of Constructive Dismissal. If you feel this is happening to you, don’t quit. Instead, reach out to the lawyer. However, if you have already quit, it is imperative to reach out to them.

Severance Package

After the employee has been terminated, the employer often provides them with a severance package. When accepting the severance package, the employees can do so without legal advice. There are times when doing that turns out to be a costly misstep. The reason could be that, the employers offerring a less than reasonable deal. Once you have accepted the package, you can’t change their mind. Keeping your best interest in mind, it is a great decision to reach out to a lawyer before accepting the package.

Harassment and Discrimination

Work should be a safe space for all the employees. When you begin to experience bullying, harassment or discrimination at work, it becomes difficult to carry out the simple tasks. If you have been a target of such behaviour, you might find yourself struggling. It becomes difficult to understand where to turn to. You need a safe space and someone who can help you. Reach out to the lawyers at PW Law. They have the required experience in handling such cases. They will support you and help you in your fight for your right.


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